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Fair Work First Statement

Supporting a flourishing Scotland starts in the workplace, where Growing21 supports Fair Work First through the adoption of high standards and fair working practices. Fair work is work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment, and respect.

Our staff and volunteers play a key role in delivering our vital services to our community. Growing 21 aims to provide a positive working environment with high quality and engaging work, where our staff and volunteers feel they belong and can thrive. We care about all our team's safety, health and wellbeing and seek to maximise their talent and skills.

Growing21 also consults our staff, volunteers and community members directly to seek views and makes extensive use of surveys, workshops and 1:1 support sessions. We regularly encourage our team members in conversations about wellbeing, performance, development, and learning.


We require all our staff and volunteers to become aware of equality and diversity and our policies support this. Growing21 has no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts, and all salaried staff members are engaged on terms stating regular weekly working hours.

Growing21 is a real Living Wage employer, paying at least the real Living Wage to all employees. Growing21 offers progressive and flexible family friendly working practices for all our staff to support diversity and inclusion, and to enable the balancing of work life with personal needs.

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